What are Black Hat SEO and its Techniques?

In the world of SEO, we have clear policies to follow. Rules are established to provide a relevant, useful and safe environment and to protect the quality of user experience. On the other side, there are the people who try to trick search engine and bring organic traffic to their websites with following any rules. That is the dark side of SEO.

Black and White Hat SEO are terms obtain from the western movie convention where the good guy would wear a white hat that contrasted with the bad guy s black hat.

What is black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO refers to a set of practices that are used to increases a site or page rank in search engines through mean that break the search engines term of service. The term “black hat” derived in western movies to determine the bad guys and good guys. At a recent time, it is used more commonly to describe virus creators, computer hackers and those who perform immoral actions with computers.

Black hat SEO improper search engine optimization tactic used to build a website search engine page (SERP) ranking illegal or lower the ranking of a competitor site. These sorts of technique are typically used on sites with a quick return business model like retail sites.
Black hat SEO technique can include
Gateway pages that grab user with keywords then redirect to another site.
Automation, but not all automating-specially content automation of little to mo value to user.
Using spam, scraped content or duplicate content.
trying to take down a competitor with a negative campaign
Black hat SEO 2018 tactics

There are many Black Hat SEO tactics and use some method to be fool search engine crawlers and operate Google search algorithms.
Doorway pages
Hidden links or text
Keyword stuffing
Content automation
Article spinning
Link manipulation
Creating sub domains or domain or pages with duplicate content
Link schemes

Black Hat SEO is a category of SEO methods that’s go against search engine optimization guidelines to boost your page ranking in search engines like Google and Bing etc.
Top Black Hat SEO Techniques 2018

Keyword Stuffing: It involves overusing the same keywords throughout one page in order to maximize organic traffic and its visibility. It is not user friendly, content stuffed with keywords does not look natural and because of this.

Hidden/invisible text: Hidden text is any text that search engines can view, but readers cannot. Black hat SEO uses invisible text to irrelevant keywords to boost the page rankings across more search terms. Using invisible text is simply putting some keywords with the same color as your background so that it would be invisible to site visitors.

Doorway Pages: These are WebPages or a collection of web pages that are merely simply put up as a dummy. This is done for search engine spiders to crawl links and keywords for the main site. Usually the users would never see or find these pages. These pages are not intended to provide any value to readers.

Cloaking: It refers to the technique of showing different content to crawlers than that of what you show to your users and the other form is cloaking is using various, keywords titles and descriptions that are entirely different from what your actual content is really about.

Article Spinning: It is the process of re-writing an article to create new original copies in an attempt to avoid duplicate issue that can result in retribution from search engines. Article spinning reduces the quality of the original article no matter how it is done. It is called the next level plagiarism.

Link Farming: link farms are a group of websites that use hyperlinks to connect with one another for the pure interest of trying to increases their rankings. It has a negative impact since Google sees link farming as a spammed way of getting links.
Why should you avoid Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO tactics can get your website banned from Google and other search engine.

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